Monday, July 18, 2011

Business Visit #2-Deloitte

We met with the HR Director of Deloitte’s Istanbul office. Deloitte is organized such that each country’s office has their own separate company under the Deloitte brand, similar to a franchise, but under control of the corporate offices. Deloitte is expecting to hire over 1000 accountants and consultants this year for the large demand for accounting services as a result of Turkey implementing stricter accounting practices and attempting to reduce the grey and black markets and businesses not reporting or paying their taxes. It was interesting that Deloitte estimated up to 80% of the market is black or grey market and not accounted for in official GDP or tax revenue figures.

In 1986, Deloitte began its operation in Turkey expanding to areas of Istanbul, Ankara, and izmir with various expertise. Deloitte Turkey provides various services audit, corporate finance, tax, consulting, and enterprise risk services. Recently they expanded to where they have undertaken and successfully completed engagements to companies by assisting various companies in institutional development projects that encompasses sector restructuring and regulation, process design, organizational design and information systems design and development components.