Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Business Visit #5-Seker Securities

Through Christopher Little, our co-hort had a networked connection to Seker Securities. We were invited to learn about the Turkish Capital markets and economy and had presentations by various economic advisers from Seker Securities. Several members of the cohort and faculty were interviewed by Bloomberg television regarding the visit. We later got to view the broadcast, but it was completely in Turkish and who knows what was said about our visit and the interviews of our administrator and select students from our cohort.

Seker Securities is an asset management company located in Istanbul, Turkey and provides many financial services across a broad market. Most of their international customers are located in London or other European countries, but they come to the US about twice a year for client meetings and presentations. The company was founded in 1997 and is associated with one of the Large Turkish banks with a similar name. It was interesting to hear the economist’s perspective on the Turkish economic condition and how it has weathered the world-wide economic crisis better than most neighboring and counties as a result of economic reforms after experiencing a housing and inflation crisis around 2001. The Seker securities presentation included information on how Turkey is making changes and slowly attempting to become a member state of the European Union, but most likely will not want to convert their currency to the Euro. The staff at Seker Securities were very nice and were very gracious to sponsor and host our cohort for a lunch immediately following their presentation. This was by far the best corporate visit we had in Turkey and was very informative in helping me get a better grasp and understanding of the economic environment there.
