Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Club Reina

One evening I visited the most popular and famous club in Istanbul. Note you must be well dressed and be considered “trendy” to enter this club. Single men without a date or group are often not allowed to enter the club as they are seen as a threat to take away dates from others.

Both foreigners and locals choose Club Reina in Istanbul primarily for the quality and elegance that has made it so well known. Its popularity is as result of the nightfall bar, dishes from distinguished cuisines of the world and entertainment all through the night.

The club offers two main bars within the club. The upper bar is up on a hill while the lower bar makes sure it is an unforgettable nightfall at sea level. The club is very expensive and the best way to gain entrance is to be in a trendy group, dress well, and make a dinner reservation through your hotel in advance.