Friday, July 22, 2011

Business Visit #8 - Pfizer Pharmaceuticals - Ireland

We visited with human resource leaders from Pfizer and learned of the importance of operations near Cork. The abundance of low cost skilled labor and the Pfizers ability to identify and train staff made this an ideal location to manufacture Pfizers line of drugs.

The Pfizer plants manufactures API for several popular medicines on the market (Viagra, Lipitor etc.). We were able to tour the facility manufacturing plant and shop floor. I noticed that the processes were highly automated and did not observe very many employees in the process.  I observed Pfizer follows many of the the principles we learned in our supply chain and project management course.

Pfizer ranks as one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in terms of  sales in the world. 

Pfizer is one of Ireland’s leading employers and the largest pharmaceutical sector investor and employer. Pfizer is one of the first pharmaceutical companies to locate in Ireland and began operations in Ireland in 1969. Recent global mergers within the pharmaceutical business has Pfizer in the process of selling off or shutting down several operation facilities in Ireland to reduce their over capacity in the near future. The operations were quite impressive as was their emphasis on plant and employee safety. They have their own fire department for their facility and have many dangerous processes and chemicals utilized in their processes and operations.

The leaders of our tour stated that they produce between 80 and 100 tons of drugs from the plant we toured on average every year. 
