Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Business Visit #4-TABA-AMCHAM

We were invited to visit with the Turkish-American Business Association (TABA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1987. We were given an overview of the Turkish economy and importance of the balance of trade between Turkey and neighboring countries as well as some cultural information regarding both Istanbul and Turkey. It was interesting to learn that their is currently a major trade imbalance in the United States favor as a result of imports of items such as Steel and Airplanes to Turkey.

TABA Amcham’s mission, with its American Chamber of Commerce in Turkey identity, is to enhance business relations between the U.S. and Turkey, encourage investments to Turkey from the U.S., create value for its members and initiate cultural and promotional activities. The headquarters of TABA Amcham is in Istanbul and it has 5 branches in Turkey, namely Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Denizli and Izmir. TABA Amcham is a member of the European Council of American Chambers of Commerce (ECACC) and a member of the Chamber of Commerce of USA (COCUSA).

AMCHAM website-TABA/AMCHAM as supporting organization-www.amcham.org

US Department of State-Consulate of the United States http://istanbul.usconsulate.gov/taa_in_turkey.html